Repository | Serials | Journal | Volumes
1387-2842 (print)
1573-1103 (online)
C. Willet, Maternal ethics and other slave moralities
Vol. 31/1
Lewis Gordon
Qi and phenomenology of wind
Vol. 31/3
Tadashi Ogawa
Phenomenology in Japan
Anthony Steinbock(Southern Illinois University)
Vol. 31/4
David James Miller
Husserl's static and genetic phenomenology
Vol. 31/2
The theory of association after Husserl
Shigeto Nuki
Heidegger on desire
Ben Vedder
Husserl's phenomenological discovery of the natural attitude
Sebastian Luft(Marquette University)
Solar love
Fred Evans(Philosophy Department, Duquesne University)
Andrius Valevičius
Cumulative index volumes 1–30 (1968–1997) of Man and world
Alexandria Pallas Julie A. Champagne
Heidegger and the source(s) of intelligibility
Pierre Keller(Department of Religious Studies, University of California San Diego)David Weberman
C. Schrag, The self after postmodernity
David Carr(Emory University)
On the semantic duplicity of the first person pronoun "I"
Hiroshi Kojima
Inquiry into the I, disclosedness, and self-consciousness
Tōru Tani(Ritsumeikan University)
E. Dussel, The invention of the americas
Mario Sáenz
T. Anderson, Sartre's two ethics
Stephen A. Dinan
The end of phenomenology
Leonard Lawlor
The relationship between nature and spirit in Husserl's phenomenology revisited
Tetsuya Sakakibara
Basic questions of philosophy
Martin Weatherston
Nietzsche's notion of amor fati
Garry M. Brodsky
Where learned armies clash by night
Val Dusek
Nietzsche and decadence
Jacqueline Scott
The primacy of ethics
Cheryl L. Hughes
J. Caputo, A postmodern, prophetic, liberal american in paris
Michael Zimmerman
Reading/writing between the lines
Gail Weiss(Department of Philosophy, Gettysburg College)
Heidegger and "the way of art"
Véronique Fóti
An american and a liberal
John D Caputo
N. Newton, Foundations of understanding
Kathleen Wider
Colors in the life-world
Junichi Murata
Phenomenologizing with a hammer
Vol. 32/4
Gail Soffer
The problem of forgetfulness in Michel Henry
Vol. 32/3
Subjectivity and orientation in Levinas and Kant
Stuart Dalton
K. Vintages, Philosophy as passion
William McBride
Illusion and satire in Kierkegaard's postscript
John Lippitt
P. Blosser, Scheler's critique of Kant's ethics
Vol. 32/1
Michael Barber(Saint Louis University)
H. & R. Gordon, Sartre and evil
Cosmos and life (according to Henry and Bergson)
Yorihiro Yamagata
Christianity and philosophy
Rudolf Bernet(Husserl-Archives, KU Leuven)
On the hermeneutic fore-structure of scientific research
Vol. 32/2
Dimitri Ginev(St. Kliment Ohridski University)
Rawls's political postmodernism
Donald Beggs
Two themes of Husserl's phenomenology revisited
Heidegger, the body, and the French philosophers
Richard R. Askay
Nietzsche at the millennium
Stephen Tyman
W. & H. Lovitt, Modern technology in the Heideggerian perspective
Scott C. Weyandt
S. Gallagher, The inordinance of time
Nicolas de Warren(Penn State University)
Michel Henry and the phenomenology of the invisible
Dan Zahavi(Center for Subjectivity Research, Københavns Universitet)
R. Bernstein, Hannah Arendt and the Jewish question
Robert Bernasconi
A. Peperzak, Beyond
Merold Westphal
L. Martín Alcoff, Real knowing
Thomas Brockelman
Memory of time in the light of flesh
Charles E Scott
E. Casey, Getting back into place
David Morris(Professor of Philosophy, Concordia University, Montreal)
Material phenomenology and language (or, pathos and language)
Michel Henry
Heidegger on Aristotle's "metaphysical" God
Catriona Hanley
Hegel and Derrida on the problem of reason and repression
David C Durst
Seeking a phenomenological metaphysics
Natalie Depraz
The self and others
Rethinking ecology in the western philosophical tradition
Nancy J. Holland
Objectivity and of justice
Alphonso Lingis
What gives? getting over the subject
Vol. 33/1
Steven Crowell(Rice University)
Nietzsche and eros between the devil and god's deep blue sea
Vol. 33/2
Babette Babich
On the problem of death
Vol. 33/4
Walter Schulz
The region of being in word and concept
Vol. 33/3
Günter Figal(University of Freiburg in Brisgau)
Gadamer's recent work on language and philosophy
Richard Palmer
H. Philipse, Heidegger's philosophy of being
Corinne Painter
James Risser
Knowledge of self, knowledge of others, error, and the place of consciousness
William Wilkerson
Schopenhauer on the ethics of suicide
Dale Jacquette
From concept to word
W. McBride, Philosophical reflections on the changes in eastern europe
Joseph Catalano
The fusion of horizons
Kathleen Wright
P. Deutscher, Yielding gender
Tina Chanter
M. Beck Matuštík, Specters of liberation
The idea of emancipation from a cosmopolitan point of view
Marianna Papastephanou
Foucault and public autonomy
Jeremy Wisnewski
Krzysztof Ziarek
Differentiating Derrida and Deleuze
Gordon C.F. Bearn
Deconstruction and pragmatism
Lasse Thomassen
Technoscience and the 'other' continental philosophy
Don Ihde
On the dark side of the moon
Dennis J. Schmidt
Respecting others
Lawrence Schmidt
Love discourses, sexed discourses
Penelope Deutscher(Department of English, Oberlin College)
Nietzsche contra contra
Judith Norman
D. Ihde, Expanding hermeneutics
Drew Christie
Revisiting Sartre on the question of religion
Stuart Z. Charmé
Plato as portraitist
Hans-Georg Gadamer
Subjectivity and intersubjectivity, subject and person
R. Visker, Truth and singularity
Vol. 34/3
"Must we burn Foucault?' ethics as art of living
Vol. 34/2
Karen Vintges
Heidegger on Macht and Machenschaft
Fred Dallmayr
Merleau-Ponty and the advent of meaning
Harry Adams
The temporalization of difference
Vol. 34/1
Giovanna Borradori
Into the interval
Stephen Crocker
Habermas on reason and revolution
Deborah Cook
A paradigm shift in Heidegger research
Thomas Sheehan
Nietzsche's agon with ressentiment
Herman W. Siemens
Debra Bergoffen(Department of Cultural Studies, George Washington University)
H. De Vries, S. Weber, Violence, identity, and self-determination
Edward B. Rackley
A. Lingis, The imperative
Alexander Hook
Intelligibility and conflict resolution in the lifeworld
Vol. 34/4
Barbara Fultner
Alternative vision
N. Depraz, Transcendence et incarnation
P. Kerszberg, Critique and totality
John McCumber
The green halo
Robert Wood
Nordic society for phenomenology
Musing with Kierkegaard
George J. Seidel
Hermeneutics and philology
István Fehér
The rights of simulacra
Nathan Widder
D. Zahavi Self-awareness and alterity
James G Hart(Department of Germanic Studies, James Madison University)
On Heidegger on logic
Stephan Käufer
Being-with as being-against
Nancy Bauer
Heidegger and scientific realism
Trish Glazebrook
Menage à trois
Debra Berghoffen
L. Harris, Racism
Vol. 35/1
Eduardo Mendieta
A.Großmann, Spur zum heiligen
Vol. 35/2
Wayne Froman(Department of Cultural Studies, George Washington University)
In memoriam
Vol. 35/3
Hiroshi Kojima, monad and thou
Vol. 35/4
Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino
Conscientious subjectivity in Kierkegaard and Levinas
Brian T. Prosser
On art, image, and representation
John Sallis
"in that sleep of death what dreams..."
Laura Hengehold(Department of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Sheffield)
The exception and the rule
Adrian Johnson
Speaking of light and shining
Re-radicalizing Kierkegaard
Jack Mulder
Dreyfus on expertise
Evan Selinger Robert P. Crease
The time-image and Deleuze's transcendental experience
Valentine Moulard
Husserl and Nagel on subjectivity and the limits of physical objectivity
Matthew Ratcliffe(Phenomenological Psychopathology and Philosophy of Psychiatry, FernUniversität Hagen)
Language, philosophy and the risk of failure
Hagi Kenaan
Coming down from the trees
David Kolb
Shades and shining
Gary Shapiro
Sartre on the ego, friendship and conflict
Adrian Mirvish
M. Sheets-Johnstone, The primacy of movement
Robert P. Crease
The freedom of the deconstructed postmodern subject
Simon Glynn(Florida Atlantic University)
S. Critchley, Ethics, politics, subjectivity
Bettina Bergo(École de design, University of Ottawa)
The ontology and temporality of conscience
Rebecca Kukla
The cartesianism of phenomenology
The ontological reappropriation of phronēsis
Christopher P. Long
Response to Rasmussen
Vol. 36/2
James L. Marsh
T. Chanter, time, death, and the feminine
Silvia Benso
Forms of resistance
Kevin Thompson
Between fiction and reflection
Vol. 36/1
Timothy Rayner
When is a deleuzian becoming ?
Todd May(Department of English, Clemson University)
Is ethics fundamental?
Vol. 36/3
Rudi Visker
Normativity in Deleuze and Guattari's concept of philosophy
Myron A. Penner
B. Bégout, La généalogie de la logique
Philippe Cabestan
Reasonability, normativity, and the cosmopolitan imagination
David Rasmussen
J. Risser, Heremeneutics and the voice of the other
Brice Wachterhauser
J. Marsh, Process, praxis, and transcendence
Kearney's Wagner
Patrick Burke
The overcoming of overcoming
Vol. 36/4
Simon Critchley(New School for Social Research)
Just in time
A future horizon for art?
Luce Irigaray
How to investigate subjectivity
C. Schrag, God as otherwise than being
Bruce Wilshire
Subjectivity and sexual difference
Diane Perpich(Department of English, Clemson University)
S. Crowell, Husserl, Heidegger, and the space of meaning
K. Oliver, Witnessing
Irigaray and Hölderlin on the relation between nature and culture
Alison Stone(Philosophical Studies, Newcastle University)
Questioning nature
Helen Fielding
Arleen Dallery
Heidegger's Leibniz and abyssal identity
Daniel J. Selcer
G. Borradori, Philosophy in a time of terror
Nick Smith
All too familiar
Mary Beth Mader(Department of Philosophy, University of California Berkeley)
Death and immortality ideologies in Western philosophy
Maxine Sheets-Johnstone
Interrupting speculation
Robert S. Gall
Heidegger and practical philosophy
Anne O'Byrne
Attending and glancing
Vol. 37/1
Edward Casey
Ethics and gods
Vol. 37/4
Tere Vadén
The silent footsteps of Rebecca
Vol. 37/3
Robert Gibbs
M. Carbone, The thinking of the sensible
Luca Vanzago
A guide and glossary
Daniel Smith
A philosophical introduction to the "Phenomenology of spirit'
The memory of another past
Vol. 37/2
Alia Al-Saji(Phenomenology and Hermeneutics Special Interest Group, McGill University)
To paint the invisible
Forget the virtual
John Mullarkey
Hegel, epistemology, and hermeneutical philosophizing
Kenneth R. Westphal
B. Han, Foucault's critical project
Edward McGushin
Speech and sensibility
Steven Hendley
Wittgenstein, Kant and Husserl on the dialectical temptations of reason
Daniel Dwyer
Deconstruction is not vegetarianism
Matthew Calarco
Heidegger's perfectionist philosophy of education in "Being and time"
Iain Thomson
Where is the phenomenology of attention that Husserl intended to perform?
New Bergsons
Pete A. Gunter (UNT)
Attention between phenomenology and experimental psychology
Pierre Vermersch
Introduction to this special issue
Affection and attention
Accessibility of the subliminal mind
Vol. 38/3-4
Tao Jiang
Truth and genesis
Vol. 38/1-2
John Protevi
Divine and mortal motivation
Jussi Backman
Need delimited
Julia Davis
The concept of the simulacrum
Dependency, subordination, and recognition
Amy Allen
Creatures of habit
Clare Carlisle
Naturalising deconstruction
David Roden
Recent Heidegger translations and their German originals
Theodore Kisiel
Book review
Space and color
Aufbau to animism
Vol. 39/1
Lester Embree
Finitude and the possibility of philosophy
Lawrence Hatab
Presentation as anti-phenomenon in alain Badiou's being and event
Ray Brassier
Introduction to Hans-Georg Gadamer's "Die Unfähigkeit zum Gespräch"
Vol. 39/4
David Vessey(Department of Philosophy, Grand Valley State University)
Hans-Georg Gadamer "The incapacity for conversation" (1972)
David Vessey(Department of Philosophy, Grand Valley State University)Chris Blauwkamp
Loneliness and innocence
Patricia Huntington
A phenomenology of gender
Vol. 39/3
Johanna Oksala
Kierkegaard, mysticism, and jest
Christopher A. Nelson
Betrayal in teaching
David A. Borman
The "concept of time" and the "being of the clock"
Vol. 39/2
David Scott
Lacan's subversion of the subject
Ed Pluth
The time of activity
Theodore Schatzki
Dialectic and dialogue in the hermeneutics of Paul Ricœur and H.-G. Gadamer
Francisco J. Gonzalez
Philosophical parrhesia as aesthetics of existence
Jakub Franěk
Kierkegaardian vision and the concrete other
Patrick Stokes(Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University)
Temporality and boredom
Victor Biceaga
From the critique of judgment to the hermeneutics of nature
Philippe Huneman
Heidegger's animals
Stuart Elden
Essential clarifications of "self-affection' and Husserl's "sphere of ownness'
On the problematic origin of the forms
Matthew C. Halteman
Julia Kristeva
Stacy K. Keltner
A ravaged site
Vol. 40/4
Peg Birmingham
Adorno and Heidegger on language and the inexpressible
Vol. 40/2
Roger Foster
The exemplarities of artworks
Vol. 40/1
Julie Kuhlken
The neighbor and the infinite
Vol. 40/3
Christina M. Gschwandtner
Nature, red in tooth and claw
I. James, The fragmentary demand
Russell Ford
Space, place, and sculpture
Paul Crowther
Public space
James Mensch
John Russon(Département de philosophie, Université de Montréal)
Beyond totem and idol, the sexuate other
S. Malka, Emmanuel Levinas
Adriaan Peperzak
A. Feenberg, Heidegger and Marcuse
Robert Scharff
The welcome wound
S. Elden, Speaking against number
Richard Polt(Xavier University)
Kant's hands, spatial orientation, and the Copernican turn
Peter Woelert
Being Jewish
Emmanuel Levinas
From nature in love
Sara Beardsworth
The practical absolute
Anthony Adler (Yonsei University)
Before the abyss
Tracy Colony
R. Polt, The emergency of being
The drama of being
John Caruana
The development of the political philosophy of Merleau-Ponty
Bernard Flynn
Adorno vs. Levinas
Nietzsche and l'élan technique
Rafael Winkler
The errant name
Jon Roffe
Gestures of work
Ethical alterity and asymmetrical reciprocity
Michael R. Paradiso-Michau
Depiction and plastic perception. a critique of Husserl's theory of picture consciousness
Christian Lotz
A. Paskow, The paradoxes of art
Robert J Dostal
Intersubjectivity in perception
Vol. 41/2
Shaun Gallagher(Department of Philosophy, University of California Berkeley)
The role of the lived-body in feeling
Bernhard Waldenfels(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
The phenomenological role of affect in the capgras delusion
The rainbow of emotions
Feeling good vibrations in dialogical relations
Beata Stawarska(University of Oregon)
Interkinaesthetic affectivity
Elizabeth Behnke
Brady Thomas Heiner
A proposal for genetically modifying the project of "naturalizing" phenomenology
Brady Thomas HeinerKyle Powys Whyte
John Wild, phenomenology in America, and the origins of SPEP
Vol. 44/3
Claude Lefort
Vol. 44/2
Dick Howard
Remembering John Wild
Generation, interiority and the phenomenology of Christianity in Michel Henry
Joseph Rivera
Beyond compassion
Keith Ansell-Pearson(Warwick Mind and Action Research Centre, University of Warwick)
C. Bouton, Temps et liberté
Alexander Schnell(Wuppertal University)
P. Sloterdijk, Rage and time
Jeffrey Bernstein
Organism, normativity, plasticity
Vol. 44/4
Sebastian Rand
S. Maimon, Essay on transcendental philosophy
Daniela Voss(Institute of Philosophy, Freie Universität zu Berlin)
E. Casey, The world at a glance
Susan Bredlau(Department of French & Italian, Clemson University)
Pushing dualism to an extreme
Rick Dolphijn Iris van der Tuin
In place of the other
A hermeneutical sketch of memory and the immemorial
Jon Nielsen
John Wild, lifeworld experience, and the founding of SPEP
Nietzsche and drawing near to the personalities of the pre-platonic Greeks
Sean D. Kirkland
Wild and Levinas
Richard Sugarman(University of Vermont)
John Wild
Alan Paskow
The question of the other in French phenomenology
Françoise Dastur
Possible but never finished
John K. Roth
Introduction to John Wild's "Marxist humanism and existential Philosophy"
Hwa Yol Jung
Plasticity, motor intentionality and concrete movement in Merleau-Ponty
Timothy Mooney
Deconstructive aporias
Matthias Fritsch
Personal and philosophical reflections on John Wild
Introductory remarks
Remembering John Wild (1902–1972)
Calvin Schrag
Marxist humanism and existential Philosophy
Vegetal anti-metaphysics
Michael Marder(University of the Basque Country)
Poetry as anti-discourse
A walk on the Wild side
Roger Duncan
Objects with a past
Vol. 45/2
Christian Ferencz-Flatz(Alexandru Dragomir Institute for Philosophy)
D. Ciavatta, Spirit, the family, and the unconscious in Hegel's philosophy
Bruce Gilbert
The feminist phenomenology of excess
Vol. 45/1
Jennifer McWeeny
G. Vattimo and S. Zabala, Hermeneutic communism
Vol. 45/4
Difficult questions
Jack Marsh
Disentangling Heidegger's transcendental questions
Chad Engelland
A. O'byrne, Natality and finitude
Jeffrey Epstein
Speculative foundations of phenomenology
Vol. 45/3
R. Rodriguez, Hermenéutica y subjetividad
François Jaran
From the "metaphysics of the individual" to the critique of society
Michael Staudigl(University of Vienna)
D. Ihde, Heidegger's technologies
M. Carbone, An unprecedented deformation
Special section on political theology
Mika Ojakangas
Must phenomenology remain cartesian?
Claude Romano(Sorbonne University)
Making ontology sensitive
Jocelyn Benoist(Pantheon-Sorbonne University)
On the "undialectical'
Iain Macdonald(University of Montreal)
Potentia absoluta et potentia ordinata dei
A brief history of continental realism
Lee Braver(Department of Philosophy, University of Tennessee)
Realism and belief attribution in Heidegger's phenomenology of religion
David J Zoller
The katechon in the age of biopolitical nihilism
Sergei Prozorov
Marx and god with anarchism
Ari Hirvonen
Robert Alexander
The phenomenon and the transcendental
Florian Forestier
D. Dalton, Longing for the other
Christopher Yates
Karl Marx and Hannah Arendt on the jewish question
Artemy Magun
L. Braver, A thing of this world
Paul Livingston
Empathy and second-person methodology
Ground zero for a post-moral ethics in J. M. Coetzee's disgrace and julia Kristeva's melancholic
Cynthia Willett(Department of French & Italian, Clemson University)
M. Foucault, Introduction to Kant's anthropology
Colin McQuillan
Right outta' nowhere
Hakhamanesh Zangeneh
Hegel's logic of finitude
Rocío Zambrana(Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of North Texas)
The world and image of poetic language
Jennifer Gosetti-Ferencei(Department of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University)
Our element
Martín Plot
S. Glendinning, In the name of phenomenology
P. Warnek, Descent of Socrates
Joan González Guardiola, Heidegger y los relojes
Marta Jorba
M. Kennedy, Home
Dylan Trigg(Phenomenological Psychopathology and Philosophy of Psychiatry, FernUniversität Hagen)
The singularity of the cinematic object
Vol. 46/2
Todd McGowan
The traumatic origins of representation
Vol. 46/1
Peter Poiana
On negativity in revolution in poetic language
Vol. 46/3
Sina Kramer(Gender, Sexuality, & Feminist Studies, Florida Southern College)
The object in the mirror of genetic transcendentalism
Adrian Johnston
Imagination, language, and the perceptual world
J. Hanson and M. Kelly (eds), Michel Henry
The coming of history
Andrew J Mitchell(Department of French & Italian, Clemson University)
The "face' of the Il y a
Kris Sealey
The idea of will and organic evolution in Bergson's philosophy of life
Wahida Khandker
M. Plot (ed.), Claude Lefort
Vol. 46/4
Dan DiPiero
Deleuze, Nietzsche, and the overcoming of nihilism
Ashley Woodward(University of Dundee)
L. Sáez Rueda, Ser errático
María G. Navarro
A grasp from afar
Andrea Staiti(University of Parma)
F.-D. Sebbah, Testing the limit
Jeffrey Hanson
The ethics of relationality
Carolyn Culbertson
Phenomenology as a way of life? Husserl on phenomenological reflection and self-transformation
Hanne Jacobs(Loyola University Chicago)
A. Mitchell, Heidegger among the sculptors
Caitlin Woolsey
Phenomenology as a way of life?
The object of psychoanalysis
Thomas Brockelman Dominiek Hoens
Technology, knowledge, governance
The other side of the canvas
Merleau-Ponty on shared emotions and the joint ownership thesis
Joel Krueger(Department of Psychology, University of Exeter)
Preconceptual intelligibility in perception
You never know your luck
Dominiek Hoens
Jacques Lacan
That obscure object of psychoanalysis
Dany Nobus
Husserl's struggle with mental images
Andreea Smaranda Aldea(Kent State University)
Me, myself and I
Pierre-Jean Renaudie(University of Lyon)
Annotations to lituraterre
Sartre and Spinoza on the nature of mind
Misers or lovers?
Marc de Kesel
The lost cause of mourning
Richard Boothby
The body of the other
Image and ontology in Merleau-Ponty
Trevor Perri
Jan Patočka's sacrifice
Jérôme Melançon(University of Regina)
Tyche, clinamen, den
Mladen Dolar
Reaffirming "the truth of being"
Vol. 47/3-4
Richard Capobianco
J. Schear (ed), Mind, reason, and being-in-the-world
Vol. 47/2
Eric J. Mohr
Gaston Bachelard and his reactions to phenomenology
Vol. 47/1
Anton Vydra
What, after all, was Heidegger about?
Individuals and technology
Donald Landes(Faculté de philosophie, Université de Laval)
K. Houle, J. Vernon (eds), Hegel and Deleuze
Amrit Heer
The secret according to Heidegger and "the purloined letter" by poe
Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe and its English translations
Morality and the philosophy of life in Guyau and Bergson
J.-P. Sartre, The imagination
Santiago Ramos
Jeffrey Bloechl(Boston College)
God and givenness
Steven DeLay
The origins of the phenomenology of pain
Saulius Geniusas
M. Heidegger, The event
Jeffrey Powell
Time, event and presence in the late Heidegger
Scenes of shame, social roles, and the play with masks
Claudia Welz
Heidegger's thinking on the "same" of science and technology
Lin MaJaap van Brakel
S. Crowell, Normativity and phenomenology in Husserl and Heidegger
Jacob Rump
Retrieving phronêsis
Gregory Fried
J. Haugeland, Dasein disclosed
William Britt
Praeteritio dei
Holger Schmid
Freud's dream of the double
Brian Seitz
M. Heidegger, Bremen and Freiburg lectures
Christopher Merwin
Despair and the determinate negation of Brandom's Hegel
Joshua I. Wretzel
Husserl's motivation and method for phenomenological reconstruction
Matt Bower
The unavoidable question of art
Jerome Veith
J. Richardson, Heidegger
Tobias Keiling(Bonn University)
Heidegger's imageless saying of the event
Daniela Vallega-Neu(Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of North Texas)
Heidegger's phenomenology of embodiment in the Zollikon seminars
Vol. 48/4
Cristian Ciocan(University of Bucharest)
Anamnemic subjectivity
Vol. 48/2
Hans Ruin
J. P. Cachopo, Verdade e enigma
Fabio Durão
Private thinkers, untimely thoughts
Vol. 48/3
Bruce Baugh
From freedom to equality
Rika Dunlap
Beyond cartesianism
Joona Taipale
The phenomenology of chronic pain
Fredrik Svenaeus
Hans Blumenberg's philosophical project
Pini Ifergan
Anonymity and personhood
Sara Heinämaa(University of Jyväskylä)
From différance to justice
Björn Thorsteinsson(University of Iceland)
J.-L. Nancy, A. Barrau: What’s these worlds coming to
Daniele Rugo
G.J. van der Heiden, Ontology after ontotheology
Harris Bechtol
V. Fóti, Tracing expression in Merleau-Ponty
Evi Grammati
Towards fundamental ontology
Camilla Serck-Hanssen
M. Staudigl (ed.), Phenomenologies of violence
The heart in Heidegger's thought
Kant's racial mind–body unions
Vol. 48/1
John Nale
The four principles of phenomenology
Michel HenryJoseph RiveraGeorge Faithful
Derrida and Saussure on entrainment and contamination
How to do things with brackets
Søren Overgaard(Center for Subjectivity Research, Københavns Universitet)
Self and other
Louis Sass
The normal, the natural, and the normative
Embodiment on trial
Phenomenology and political idealism
Timo Miettinen(University of Helsinki)
The socratic question and Aristotle
The element of intersubjectivity
From the they to the we
Vol. 49/4
Christophe Perrin
Heidegger in the machine
Vol. 49/3
Todd Mei(Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield)
Foucault, normativity and critique as a practice of the self
Vol. 49/1
Béatrice Han-Pile
The philosophical–anthropological foundations of Bennett and Hacker's critique of neuroscience
Vol. 49/2
Jasper Van Buuren
Strange eros
Lynne Huffer
Of Levinas' "structure' in address to his four "others'
Dino Galetti
Foucault, Husserl and the philosophical roots of German neoliberalism
After the lived body
A. Steinbock, Moral emotions
Michael R. Kelly
M. Sohn, The good of recognition
Sean Lawrence
A place for the role of community in the structure of the state
Antonio Calcagno(King's University College, Western University)
After the lived-body
T. Sparrow, The end of phenomenology
Denis Džanić
Self-awareness and self-deception
Simone Neuber
Dignity at the limit
Bryan Lueck
Husserl and Foucault on the historical apriori
Foucault on experiences and the historical a priori
Thomas R Flynn(Department of French & Italian, Clemson University)
Sinnboden der geschichte
Dermot Moran(University College Dublin)
Phenomenology and the experience of the historical
Maxime Doyon(University of Montreal)
The problem of spontaneous goodness
The reversibility which is the ultimate truth
Jacob Rogozinski
Deep history
James Dodd(New School for Social Research)
The paradoxes of translation
Meaning, memory and identity
Richard Westerman
T. Garcia, Form and object
Aesthetic movements of embodied minds
Kasper Levin
Honneth, Kojeve and Levinas on intersubjectivity and history
Terence Holden
E. Melandri, I generi letterari e la loro origine
Luca Possati
History, critique, and freedom
Andreea Smaranda Aldea(Kent State University)Amy Allen
E. Dorfman, Foundations of the everyday
Frank Chouraqui(University of Leiden)
J. Laplanche, Between seduction and inspiration
Lucas Fain
"The indestructible, the Barbaric principle"
Husserl's existentialism
Overwriting the body
Eran Dorfman
The moment of self-transformation
Samuel Snow
M. Altman, The Palgrave handbook of German idealism
Wayne Pomerleau
From the historical a priori to the dispositif
Narrative identity and phenomenology
Vol. 50/3
Jakub Čapek(Charles University)
R. Makkreel, Orientation and judgment in hermeneutics
Arendt's genealogy of thinking
Vol. 50/2
Justin Pack (CSU Stanlislaus)
The concept of violence in the work of Hannah Arendt
Annabel Herzog
Beyond the politics of reception
Matthew Lampert
Violence and existence
Bergson, human rights, and joy
Alexandre Lefebvre
Equitable relief as a relay between juridical and biopower
Gordon Hull
The logic of comprehensive or deep emotional change
Vol. 50/4
Jeremy Barris
Towards a phenomenological account of creativity
Vol. 50/1
Michela Summa(Wurzburg University)
The biographical approach in Karl Jaspers' work
Olga A. Vlasova
Husserl on symbolic technologies and meaning-constitution
Measurement as transcendental–empirical écart
Presentation as indirection, indirection as schooling
Ori Rotlevy
P. Vandevelde, A. Iyer (eds), Hermeneutics between history and philosophy
Giancarlo Tarantino
Goethe and the study of life
Elke Weik
Other minds embodied
Thinking love
Heidegger's philosophical botany
Tristan Moyle
Merleau-ponty's phenomenology in the light of Kant's third critique and Schelling's real-idealismus
Sebastian Gardner
Andrew Inkpin(School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, University of Queensland)Jack Reynolds(Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University)
The primacy question in Merleau-Ponty's existential phenomenology
Bryan Smyth
R. Coyne, Heidegger's confessions
Jeffrey L. Kosky
Review article of Michael Staudigl's phänomenologie der gewalt
Was Merleau-Ponty a "transcendental' phenomenologist?
Andrew Inkpin(School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, University of Queensland)
J. Colin McQuillan, Immanuel kant
Stephen Howard
Merleau-ponty's gordian knot
Jack Reynolds(Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University)
R. Stolze, J. Stanley, L. Cercel (ed), Translational hermeneutics
Mohammad Kharmandar
Husserl and queer theory
Lanei Rodemeyer
The notion of aesthetic freedom in contemporary german philosophy
Thomas Hilgers
On (the) nothing
Vol. 51/2
John Krummel
Process as reality
Vol. 51/1
Michael J. Matthis
"Seeing-in" and twofold empathic intentionality
Vol. 51/3
Zhida Luo
The Laruellean clinamen
Vol. 51/4
Joseph M. Spencer
The real of the rabble
Zachary Tavlin
Evolution and the meaning of being
Lawrence Vogel
An inquiry on radical empathy and the phenomenological reduction in Sartre and Merleau-Ponty
Elisa Magrì(Boston College)
Bergson's panpsychism
Joël Dolbeault
Nietzsche beyond correlationism
C. J. Davies
P. Costello, L. Carlson, Phenomenology and the arts
Christine Rojcewicz
What is the body without organs?
A. Johnston, Irrepressible truth
Gregory Trotter
Gendlin's experiential phenomenology of "saying"
Thinking emergence as interaffecting
Donata SchoellerNeil Dunaetz
B. Bergen-Aurand (ed.), Comedy begins with our simplest gestures
Tom Sparrow
D. Beith, The birth of sense
Adam Blair
Making sense of the lived body and the lived world
The violence of the ethical encounter
Dorothée Legrand
Time, or the mediation of the now
Matthew Coate
Lefort as a reader of Machiavelli and marx
Ricoeur's askēsis
Brian Gregor
Words that reveal
Robyn Horner(Centre for Philosophy and Phenomenology of Religion, Australian Catholic University)
The gift of Mexican historicism
Carlos Sánchez
Making sense of Heidegger's "phenomenology of the inconspicuous" or inapparent (Phänomenologie des Unscheinbaren)
Jason Alvis
Education as ethics
Jordan Glass
Line Ryberg Ingerslev(Phenomenological Psychopathology and Philosophy of Psychiatry, FernUniversität Hagen)
A. Rosenthal, A good look at evil
Steven G. Smith
The joy of Desire
Sarah Horton
Against Levinas' messianic politics
Jason Caro
The phenomenology of shame
Yinghua Lu
Personal identity and the otherness of one's own body
Vol. 52/3
Eidetic intuition as physiognomics
Vol. 52/4
Killing the father, Parmenides
Vol. 52/1
Matthew Sharpe
"Estrangement" in aesthetics and beyond
Georgy Chernavin(Higher School of Economics)Anna Yampolskaya(Higher School of Economics)
Sensibility and the otherness of the world
Vol. 52/2
Paula Lorelle
Unconscious reasons
A. Özgür Gürsoy
Review of Hendrik Stoker, Conscience: Phenomena and theories
Zachary Davis
Piper's question and ours
Basil Vassilicos
The acephalic community
Andrey Gordienko
On perception and trust
Feminism as critique
Feminist experiences
A criticism of Young's "Throwing like a girl" through Scheler's understanding of motor action
Cinzia Ruggeri
Being with technique–technique as being-with
Susanna Lindberg(University of Leiden)
The relevance of the theory of pseudo-culture
Vangelis Giannakakis
Forgiveness as institution
G. Dierckxsens, Paul Ricoeur's moral anthropology—singularity, responsibility, and justice
James Oldfield
S. Bredlau, The other in perception, a phenomenological account of our experiences of other persons
Laura McMahon
Nietzsche and Levinas on time
Nibras Chehayed
Book review of R. Winkler's Philosophy of finitude, Heidegger, Levinas, and Nietzsche
Seth Daves
Attitudes and illusions
Kristjan Laasik
From existential alterity to ethical reciprocity
Ellie Anderson
On memory, nostalgia, and the temporal expression of Josquin's Ave Maria… Virgo Serena
Jessica Wiskus(Mary Pappert School of Music, Duquesne University)
Comments on Johanna Oksala's Feminist experiences
Husserl's covert critique of Kant in the sixth book of logical investigations
Corijn Van Mazijk(University of Groningen)
Animate being
Vol. 53/2
Intercorporeity and the first-person plural in Merleau-Ponty
Vol. 53/1
Philip J Walsh
Subject, enjoyment, hegemony
Francisco Conde Soto
Review of Penelope Deutscher, Foucault's futures
Sarah Hansen
Affectivity and the distinction between minimal and narrative self
Anna Bortolan
Feeling as the origin of value in Scheler and Mencius
Nam-In Lee(Seoul National University)
Temporality and embodied self-presence
Collective intentionality and the further challenge of collective Free Jazz improvisation
Lucia Angelino(Archives Husserl, École normale supérieure)
From "block-things" to "time-things"
Normative reconstruction and social memory
Bergson's philosophical method
David M. Peña-Guzmán
Jean Wahl's unassailable heritage
Guillaume St-Laurent
Sebastian Luft and Thane M. Naberhaus (trans.), Husserliana: Collected Works Book 14: First Philosophy
Andrew Barrette
Corine Pelluchon, Nourishment
Jill Drouillard
"One is what one does"
Ondřej Švec