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University Press of America
Husserl and Kant
Vol. 004
Frank M. Kirkland
Can "Phenomenology" in Kant and Lambert be connected with Husserlian phenomenology?
Ernst Wolfgang Orth
The primacy of practical reason in Kant and Husserl
Gerhard Funke
Subjectivity and freedom
Debabrata SinhaSinha Debabrata
Phenomenology and the renewal of culture
Vol. 1
John E Jalbert
Reflections on "The Vienna lecture"
Wolfgang W. Fuchs
Thinking and the crisis of reason
Osborne P Wiggins
Brief an Rudolf Jaensch (26.VI.1925)
Vol. 12
Edmund Husserl
The missing link in the early Heidegger
Theodore Kisiel
Dilthey, Husserl and prima philosophia
Vol. 6
Thomas M. Seebohm
"Nature" in the human-scientific perspective
The problem of generalization in Dilthey and Husserl
The future perfect
David Carr(Emory University)
Katherine Tillmann
The other in the field of consciousness
Vol. 7
The problem of sense data in Husserl's theory of perception
William R McKenna(Department of Sociology & Gerontology, Northeastern University)
Probleme der Kulturphilosophie und der Kulturanthropologie in der Phänomenologie
Letztbegründung und "Ethik des Denkens"
On the two foundations of knowledge according to Husserl
José Huertas-Jourda
The meaning of the phenomenological critique of science
Rudolf Boehm
Descriptive phenomenology
Maurice Natanson
Philosophy as a striving towards universal sophia in the integral sense
Dorion Cairns