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Vol. 3
Alfonso Verdu
The Nirmāna-kāya or natural, historical manifestations
The Nirmāṇa-kāya or historical manifestations (cont.)
The Saṃbhoga-kāya or preternatural manifestations
The Dharma-kāya or total and absolute freedom of manifestation
Buddhist totality and Buddhist emptiness
Notes to the text
The "dharma-theory" of causation
Causation-by-ideation theory
Buddhist totalism
The "totality" of the substance
The "totality" of the function
The entitative manifestations
The cognitive manifestations. individuality
The liberal commitment to divine immanence
Vol. 6
William Horosz
The concept of purpose in a naturalistic humanist perspective
Tad S. Clements
Orthodox judaism and human purpose
Walter S. Wurtzburger
Liberal judaism and the human purpose
Jacob B. Agus
Human purposiveness in st. Thomas Aquinas
Francis J. Kovach
The concept of purpose in reformation thought
Robert Bretall
Phenomenology of religion and human purpose
J. N. Mohanty
Linguistic philosophy and the meaning of life
Kai Nielsen
Purpose of man in the tradition of Indian orthodoxy
S. P. Banerjee
The recovery of human purpose in the religious life