Repository | Serials | Journal | Volumes
2210-5433 (print)
2210-5441 (online)
Why theories of causality need production
Vol. 24/2
Phyllis McKay Illari
Imaging technology and the philosophy of causality
George DarbyJon Williamson
Carebots and caregivers
Vol. 24/3
Shannon Vallor(Department of English, Yale University)
Who needs stories if you can get the data?
Vol. 24/4
Mireille Hildebrandt
Beware of the virtual doll
Daniel Nagel
Should probabilistic design replace safety factors?
Neelke DoornSven Ove Hansson
ISPs & rowdy web sites before the law
Ugo Pagallo
The morally desirable option for nuclear power production
Behnam Taebi
Robots of just war
We should stop running away from radiation
Wade Allison
Nuclear energy, risk, and emotions
Sabine Roeser
The new ethical responsibilities of internet service providers
Luciano Floridi
Going native
Sarah Oates
Husserl's Galileo needed a telescope!
Vol. 24/1
Don Ihde
Robots, trust and war
Thomas W. Simpson
Children of the fourth revolution
Toward an epistemology of ISP secondary liability
Dan L. Burk
Energy, risks, and metatechnology
The evolving social responsibilities of internet corporate actors
Robert Madelin
First, do no harm
Vinton G. Cerf
Bootstrapping normativity
Graham White
Radiation protection—sorting out the arguments
Sven Ove Hansson
Harmonising physis and techne
Action schemes
Evan Selinger Kyle Powys WhyteJesus H. Aguilar
All watched over by machines of silent grace?
Mark Bishop
From killer machines to doctrines and swarms, or why ethics of military robotics is not (necessarily) about robots
Mark Coeckelbergh
Coping with the unpredictable effects of future technologies
Robots and other cognitive systems
Neelie Kroes
Martial bliss
Robert M. Geraci
John P. Sullins
The here and now
Albert Borgmann
Engaging the public in the ethics of robots for war and peace
Peter Danielson
Dirty hands, speculative minds, and smart machines
Diane Michelfelder(Department of Philosophy, Macalester College)
Robots as weapons in just wars
Marcus Schulzke
Is it morally right to use unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs) in war?
Linda Johansson
Book symposium on A. Feenberg's Between reason and experience, essays in technology and modernity
Inmaculada de Melo-MartínDavid Ingram Andrew Feenberg
At the intersections between internet studies and philosophy
Vol. 25/3
Charles Ess
Internet Neutrality
Vol. 25/2
Matteo TurilliAntonino VaccaroMariarosaria Taddeo
Standing reserves of function
Pablo Schyfter
Big data and their epistemological challenge
Vol. 25/4
Technical mediation and subjectivation
Steven Dorrestijn
Web 2.0 technologies of the self
Maria Bakardjieva Georgia Gaden
Information warfare
Vol. 25/1
Mariarosaria Taddeo
Technologies of the self
On the peculiarity of standards
Lawrence BuschKyle Powys Whyte
Ecological engineering
Neil Levy
Hyperhistory and the philosophy of information policies
Web of data and web of entities
Paolo BouquetHeiko StoermerMassimiliano Vignolo
Dao, harmony and personhood
Pak-Hang Wong
Nothing good will come from giving up on aetiological accounts of teleology
John Basl
Degenerate epistemology
The information medium
Orlin Vakarelov
Evolution, genetic engineering, and human enhancement
Russell PowellGuy KahaneJulian Savulescu
"There's an app for that"
Paul Thompson
Horizons, PIOs, and bad faith
James Tartaglia
Defending extension theory
Richard Heersmink
Human nature and respect for the evolutionarily given
Russell Powell
Reconceptualizing human nature
Edouard Machery
Enhancing the species
Chris Gyngell
Biological interests, normative functions, and synthetic biology
Sune Holm
"Embodying" the internet
Johanna Seibt Marco Nørskov
Ghosts in the machine
Patrick Stokes(Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University)
The right and wrong of growing old
Bennett Foddy
Empirical technoscience studies in a Comtean world
Robert Scharff
Responsible design
Asle Kiran(Research group in Aesthetics and Phenomenology, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet)
Natural selection, childrearing, and the ethics of marriage (and divorce)
Brian D. EarpAnders Sandberg Julian Savulescu
How human nature can inform human enhancement
Ramsey Eric Ramsey
Book symposium on Don Ihde's Expanding hermeneutics, visualism in science
Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Larry A. Hickman Robert Rosenberger Robert ScharffDon Ihde
Personal identity online
Raffaele Rodogno
Human nature
Tim Lewens
The story of my (second) life
Marya Schechtman
Introducing transformative technologies into democratic societies
Steve ClarkeRebecca Roache
Negotiating privacy through phatic communication
Stine Lomborg
Disembodied communication and religious experience
David S. Oderberg
E-ducation and the languages of information
Vol. 26/3
Balance or trade-off?
Vol. 26/4
Craft, creativity, computer games
Bjarke Liboriussen
Book symposium on The agrarian vision, sustainability and environmental ethics
Per SandinAidan DavisonPaul Thompson
Book symposium on expertise
Vol. 26/1
Stephen P. Turner William Rehg Evan Selinger
Online security and the protection of civil rights
The futurium—a foresight platform for evidence-based and participatory policymaking
Franco Accordino
Cyber security and individual rights, striking the right balance
Living in an impossible world
Bruce Christianson
The ontological force of technicity
Vol. 26/2
Aud Sissel Hoel(Department of Architecture and Technology, Universitetet i Tromsø)Iris van der Tuin
Remarks on receiving the covey award
Margaret A. Boden
The Oxford English dictionary and its philosophy
John Simpson
Online security
Anat Biletzki
Honesty, competence, and trust for systems design
Giuseppe Primiero
What can a medieval friar teach us about the internet?
Brandt Dainow
Exploring philosophical issues in the patenting of scientific and technological inventions
Hans Radder
Notions of information
Information processing as an account of concrete digital computation
Nir Fresco
Instructional information processing
Nir FrescoGiuseppe Primiero
Book symposium on R. P.. Crease's world in the balance, the historic quest for an absolute system of measurement
Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Robert ScharffDonn WeltonRobert P. Crease
Epistemology of modeling and simulation
Patrick Grim
How modeling can go wrong
Patrick GrimNicholas Rescher
The conceptual elusiveness of engineering functions
Pieter E. Vermaas Dingmar van Eck Peter Kroes
Simulation and the problem of simplification
Gerhard König
Autonomous weapons and distributed responsibility
Information quality
The importance of actualizing control in the processing of instructional information
Marty J. Wolf
Design for community
Taylor Dotson
Modeling climate policies
Mathias Frisch
Technology's in-betweeness
Dealing with legal conflicts in the information society
Massimo Durante
Tim Stevens
Some ontology of interactive art
Vol. 27/2
Dominic Preston
Reply to Angius and Primiero on software intensive science
Vol. 27/3
Jack K. Horner John Symons
Technology and economic power
Pierre Hessler
Science bubbles
Vol. 27/4
David Budtz PedersenVincent F. Hendricks
Continuities and discontinuities between humans, intelligent machines, and other entities
Vol. 27/1
Johnny Hartz Søraker
Against brain-in-a-vatism
Jon CogburnMark Silcox
Moral mechanisms
David Davenport
Book symposium on homo sapiens technologicus, philosophie de la technologie contemporaine, philosophie de la sagesse contemporaine
Gert GoeminneTamar SharonYoni van den EedeMichel Puech
On the ontology of the computing process and the epistemology of the computed
Computing and experiments
Viola Schiaffonati Mario Verdicchio
Machines as moral patients we shouldn't care about (yet)
The minimal levels of abstraction in the history of modern computing
Federico GobboMarco Benini
Introduction to the special issue on machine morality
David J. Gunkel Joanna J. Bryson
Programming languages as technical artifacts
Raymond Turner
Bio-machine hybrid technology
Tom Froese
A vindication of the rights of machines
David J. Gunkel
Machines and the moral community
Erica L. Neely
Exploring a mechanistic approach to experimentation in computing
Eric HatlebackJonathan M Spring
Education in an age of digital technologies
Joris Vlieghe
True collective intelligence?
Geoff Mulgan
Mechanistic miscomputation
Joe Dewhurst
What is nature-like computation?
Hector Zenil
Generic structures, generic experiences
Andreas Gregersen
The moral standing of machines
Software intensive science
John Symons Jack K. Horner
Augmented ontologies or how to philosophize with a digital hammer
Stefano Gualeni
Confronting the moral dimensions of technology through mediation theory
Evan Selinger
Technoscience and ethics foresight
Mathematizing power, formalization, and the diagrammatical mind or
Sybille Krämer
Fiction puzzle
Veli-Matti Karhulahti
The latent nature of global information warfare
Gaming and the limits of digital embodiment
Robert FarrowIoanna Iacovides
Technological unemployment, leisure occupation, and the human project
Facing computing as technique
Liesbeth De MolGiuseppe Primiero
The problem of justification of empirical hypotheses in software testing
Nicola Angius
Musical ecologies in video games
Michiel Kamp
Artificial consciousness and artificial ethics
Steve Torrance
Open data, data protection, and group privacy
Computational idealizations in software intensive science
Simulating philosophy
Moral deskilling and upskilling in a new machine age
Vol. 28/1
Cyber conflicts
Vol. 28/3
Ludovica Glorioso
The realignment of the sources of the law and their meaning in an information society
Information societies, ethical enquiries
Mariarosaria TaddeoElizabeth Buchanan
Not just cyberwarfare
Humanist and nonhumanist aspects of technologies as problem solving physical instruments
Sadjad Soltanzadeh
"We the scientists"
Effy VayenaJohn Tasioulas
Reliable old wineskins
Edward T. Barrett
Thinking in the cloud
Vol. 28/2
Robert W. Clowes
How to think about cyber conflicts involving non-state actors
Phillip McReynolds
Technological knowledge-that as knowledge-how
Vol. 28/4
Stephen Hetherington
Technological mediation and power
Mithun Bantwal RaoJoost JongerdenPieter Lemmens
Living systems
Mario VillalobosDavid Ward(School of Health in Social Science, University of Exeter)
A proxy culture
Revisiting Ihde's fourfold "technological relationships"
Marco Nørskov
The new grey power
Zombie mouse in a Chinese room
Slawomir J. NasutoEtienne B. RoeschMatthew C. Spencer
Validating function-based design methods
Dingmar van Eck
Free online Services
Our post-modern vanity
Robert Hassan
Book symposium on The philosophy of Simondon, between technology and individuation
Marc J. de VriesAndrew Feenberg Arne de BoeverAud Sissel Hoel(Department of Architecture and Technology, Universitetet i Tromsø)
The politics of uncertainty
The information liar paradox
Björn Lundgren
Present and future instances of virtual rape in light of three categories of legal philosophical theories on rape
Litska Strikwerda
Bridging the responsibility gap in automated warfare
Marc Champagne Ryan Tonkens
Semantic web regulatory models
Pompeu Casanovas
Rewriting the constitution
Dominic Smith
Changing philosophy through technology
Michael H. G. Hoffmann
Levels of trust in the context of machine ethics
Herman T. Tavani
Knowing how, knowing that, knowing technology
Per Norström
Developing automated deceptions and the impact on trust
Frances S. GrodzinskyKeith W. MillerMarty J. Wolf
Against Norström's argument for technological knowing how not being an instance of knowing that
Morgan Luck
Violence, just cyber war and information
By disanalogy, cyberwarfare is utterly new
Selmer Bringsjord John Licato
Book symposium on human nature in an age of biotechnology
Inmaculada de Melo-MartínMichael HauskellerXavier Guchet Tamar Sharon
The democratic governance of information societies
Crossbows, von Clauswitz, and the eternality of software shrouds
The onlife initiative—a concept reengineering exercise
Judith SimonCharles Ess
Cyber force and the role of sovereign states in informational warfare
Phenomenology and the empirical turn
Vol. 29/4
Jochem Zwier Vincent BlokPieter Lemmens
The secret in the information society
Vol. 29/3
Dennis Broeders
Questioning two assumptions in the metaphysics of technological objects
Vol. 29/2
On human dignity as a foundation for the right to privacy
The causal nature of modeling with big data
Wolfgang Pietsch
Consenting to geoengineering
Technology and democracy
The philosophy of biomimicry
Henry Dicks
Modeling organs with organs on chips
Michael Poznic
Mature information societies—a matter of expectations
Vol. 29/1
Hackers in hiding
Ejvind Hansen
On friendship between online equals
William BülowCathrine Felix
Technological origins of the Einsteinian revolution
Donald Gillies
What an algorithm is
Robin K. Hill
From ideal to future cities
Ugo Bellagamba
The threat of algocracy
John Danaher
The invention of the object
Justin Joque
Modularity and recombination in technological evolution
Mathieu Charbonneau
New technology meets age-old problems
Alison Holt
Should extinction be forever?
Karim Jebari
Taking stock of extension theory of technology
Steffen Steinert
Book symposium on Le concept d'information dans la science contemporaine
Andrew IliadisNandita Biswas MellamphyJean-Hugues Barthélémy
De-extinction as artificial species selection
Vol. 30/4
Derek D. Turner
Creative collaborations with machines
Vol. 30/3
Eleanor Sandry
Introducing the special issue "Rethinking surveillance: theories, discourses, structures, and practices"
Vol. 30/1
Samantha AdamsNadezhda Purtova
Digital's cleaving power and its consequences
Vol. 30/2
Assigning functions to medical technologies
Alexander Mebius
Bentham, Deleuze and beyond
Maša GaličTjerk TimanBert-Jaap Koops
The unsustainable fragility of the digital, and what to do about it
Enhancement and the conservative bias
Ben Davies
The virtuous troll
Daniel Cohen
Surveillance technologies, wrongful criminalisation, and the presumption of innocence
Katerina Hadjimatheou
Infraethics–on the conditions of possibility of morality
Extended cognition and the internet
Paul Smart
Digital vigilantism as weaponisation of visibility
Daniel Trottier
The meaning of "other" in classifications
Patrick Allo
Promoting biodiversity
Christopher GyngellJulian Savulescu
Escaping the panopticon over time
Ludo GorzemanPaulan Korenhof
Special section, rethinking art and aesthetics in the age of creative machines
From individual to group privacy in big data analytics
Brent Mittelstadt
The extinction and de-extinction of species
Helena SiipiLeonard Finkelman
Self-tracking for health and the quantified self
Tamar Sharon
Telepresence and trust
Fabio PaglieriChris Reed
The German ethics code for automated and connected driving
Christoph Luetge
A plea for ecological argument technologies
Fabio Paglieri
Can machines create art?
Evidence, explanation and predictive data modelling
Steve T. Mckinlay
The argument web
Chris ReedAlison PeaseKatarzyna BudzynskaRory DuthieMathilde JanierBarbara KonatJohn LawrenceMark Snaith
Why designing is not experimenting
Sabine Ammon
Towards scalable governance
Iyad Rahwan
Towards a qualitative assessment of energy practices
Robert-Jan Geerts
The communicative work of organizations in shaping argumentative realities
Mark Aakhus
Explaining engineered computing systems' behaviour
Nicola AngiusGuglielmo Tamburrini
Robots, jobs, taxes, and responsibilities
The limits of deterrence theory in cyberspace
Vol. 31/3
Is proprietary software unjust?
Jesse Rappaport
Towards a sedimentology of information infrastructures
Vlad Niculescu-Dincă
Democratizing health research through data cooperatives
Alessandro BlasimmeEffy VayenaErnst Hafen
Digital technologies, ethical questions, and the need of an informational framework
Vol. 31/4
Federica Russo
Algorithmic decision-making based on machine learning from big data
Paul B. de Laat
The artificial moral advisor
Vol. 31/2
Alberto GiubiliniJulian Savulescu
Algorithmic accountability and public reason
Reuben Binns
Technomoral civic virtues
Don Howard
Essentialism, vitalism, and the GMO debate
Veronika Szántó
Appraising black-boxed technology
E. S. Dahl
The biopolitical public domain
Julie E. Cohen
Towards a philosophy of financial technologies
Vol. 31/1
Mark CoeckelberghWessel ReijersQuinn DuPont
From impact to importance
George MastertonErik J. Olsson
Self-tracking practices and digital (re)productive Labour
Karen Dewart McEwen
Fair, transparent, and accountable algorithmic decision-making processes
Bruno LepriNuria OliverEmmanuel LetouzéAlex PentlandPatrick Vinck
Data science as machinic neoplatonism
Dan McQuillan
Toward an ethics of ai assistants
Yesterday's virtue ethicists meet tomorrow's high tech
Howard J. Curzer
Digital art as "monetised graphics"
Martin Zeilinger
Finding a place for buddhism in the ethics of the future
Emily McRae
Fundamentals of algorithmic markets
Laura Lotti
Semantic capital
Five kinds of cyber deterrence
N. J. Ryan
Proofs as cognitive or computational
Wilfrid Hodges
"Crises of modernity" discourses and the rise of financial technologies in a contested mechanized world
Marinus Ossewaarde
Artificial intelligence, deepfakes and a future of ectypes
Just war, cyber war, and the concept of violence
Christopher J. Finlay
Two technical images
Diego Viana
Guest editor introduction to the book symposium on Shannon Vallor, technology and the virtues
Soft ethics
Why the world needs an international cyberwar convention
Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni
Association of internet researchers (aoir) roundtable summary
Corinne CathMichael ZimmerStine LomborgBen Zevenbergen
Soft ethics and the governance of the digital
Warfighting for cyber deterrence
David J. Lonsdale
Forecasting in light of big data
Hykel Hosni Angelo Vulpiani
Algo-rhythms and the beat of the legal drum
Deterrence and norms to foster stability in cyberspace
The blockchain as a narrative technology
Wessel ReijersMark Coeckelbergh
Technology and the virtues
Deterrence in cyberspace
Ewan Lawson
The bow and arrow and early human sociality
Vol. 32/2
Matthew Walls
On malfunction, mechanisms and malware classification
Giuseppe PrimieroFrida J SolheimJonathan M Spring
What the Jeweller's hand tells the Jeweller's brain
Chris BaberAnthony ChemeroJamie Hall
The ethics of biomedical "big data" analytics
Vol. 32/1
Homo faber revisited
Don IhdeLambros Malafouris
"My fitbit thinks I can do better!"
John OwensAlan Cribb
Between minimal and greater than minimal risk
Sebastian SchleidgenAlma HusedzinovicDominik OseChristoph SchickhardtChristof von KalleEva C. Winkler
Replacing epiphenomenalism
Duilio Garofoli Antonis Iliopoulos
Social justice, equality and primary care
Kristin Voigt
Technological environmentality
Ciano Aydin Margoth González WogePeter-Paul Verbeek(DesignLab, Universiteit Leiden)
Translating principles into practices of digital ethics
Big data analytics, infectious diseases and associated ethical impacts
Chiara GarattiniJade RaffleFelicity SartainZisis Kozlakidis
What the near future of artificial intelligence could be
Accessing online data for youth mental health research
Elvira Perez VallejosAnsgar KoeneDaniel HuntChristopher WoodardLachlan UrquhartAislinn BerginRamona Statache
Doing away with the agential bias
Nils-Frederic Wagner
The experiential niche
Robert Rosenberger
The digital phenotype
Michele Loi
How stone tools shaped us
Manjari Chakrabarty
The challenge of the digital and the future archive
Eirini GoudarouliAnna SextonJohn Sheridan
Understanding error rates in software Engineering