Communities of Dialogue Russian and Ukrainian Émigrés in Modernist Prague

Repository | Series | Book | Chapter


Conversation with Husserl and Fink, 22/8/31

Dorion Cairns

pp. 20-24


I had sent Husserl on the previous day a list of the worst omissions and errors I had found in the early part of the French translation of the Fifth Meditation. "So that's the way the two translations are", he said in effect. "They will be hindrances rather than helps to an understanding in England and France".

Publication details

Published in:

Cairns Dorion (1976) Conversations with Husserl and Fink. Den Haag, Nijhoff.

Pages: 20-24

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-015-6890-6_12

Full citation:

Cairns Dorion (1976) Conversation with Husserl and Fink, 22/8/31, In: Conversations with Husserl and Fink, Den Haag, Nijhoff, 20–24.