Communities of Dialogue Russian and Ukrainian Émigrés in Modernist Prague

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Danuta Ulicka

Warsaw University

Rzut oka na nowoczesne polskie literaturoznawstwo teoretyczne


Danuta Ulicka(Warsaw University)

in: Wiek teorii: Stulecie badań literackoteoretycznych w Polsce I, Warszawa : Instytut Badań Literackich

Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki 47/2

Writing history – shaping history of (not only polish) literary studies


From circles to the school (and back again)


Adam F KolaDanuta Ulicka(Warsaw University)

in: Theoretical schools and circles in the Twentieth-Century humanities, London : Routledge

The literary work of art as the creative power in man


Danuta Ulicka(Warsaw University)

in: The creative matrix of the origins, Dordrecht : Kluwer

Open Access Link

Language and experience


Danuta Ulicka(Warsaw University)

in: The reincarnating mind, or the ontopoietic outburst in creative virtualities, Dordrecht : Kluwer

Open Access Link